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Writer's pictureVAWA

Strategic Plan 2024-2026

Our Ambition

VAWA wants to drive change towards systems, ways of living and engaging with animals that ensure Papatūānuku (Mother Earth) thrives, and her welfare is protected. Only then can she continue to sustain all living things and future generations.

To support our work, please share, join, donate or sponsor us!

VAWA's Strategic Plan 2024-2026 sets out our three key priorities, some of our projects and an example of our work, using a One Health | One Welfare | te ao Māori approach.

Key Projects

There are a number of key projects that will contribute to achieving our priorities. We've 'left the gate open' for suggestions from members and opportunities that arise.

One Health | One Welfare | te ao Māori - a real life example

Given the connectedness of welfare that underpins One Health | One Welfare | te ao Māori thinking, it becomes obvious that low welfare farm systems need to become high welfare ones.

Low welfare systems include those with:

  • no shade for animals

  • high stocking rates that are supported by inputs such as synthetic fertiliser and palm kernel expeller

  • applying irrigation at an abnormal level for the natural environment.

Such intensive systems can load the receiving environment with nutrients that are harmful to waterways, the animals in it and people. Prioritising export revenue means kai (food) is unaffordable as Kiwis pay international market value for food produced just down the road.

Shifting these low welfare systems to high welfare ones would mean having systems that have a light environmental footprint, provide communities with local kai from biodiverse farm systems, and give animals opportunities for positive welfare experiences, and A Good Life overall.

Our plan is big and ambitious - we need your support to make it happen! Please join, donate or get in contact if you'd like to sponsor VAWA or a specific project. Let's do this and create 'A Good Life for All!'

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